"I used the knowledge of what I was trained to do in the US Marine Corps and translated what is applicable into practical information that will empower the player with what is required to develop the gameplay skills necessary for having the best simulated tactical experience possible."
Author, "The 3PS Battle Guide"
There is no game without the player, and good games require good players. This is a guide for tactical simulation gamers that want to improve their gameplay skills in order to have the most immersive and exciting experiences. "The 3PS Battle Guide" teaches real-world combat tactics and strategies that have been translated and designed for tactical gaming by a US Marine Corps Veteran that has experience with everything in this guide and 10+ years of tactical gaming history from the days of SOCOM to the present time with Ghost Recon.
"The 3PS Battle Guide" is easy to read and follow while being straight to the point and leaving no stones unturned. Use it as a reference while you play until what you learn becomes natural. If you have been looking for a step-by-step guide to kicking ass in tactical simulation video games, this is it.
Know how to properly "slice the pie", breach and clear rooms, engage targets in the open, combat movement, and more.
Learn how to engage multiple targets, take down moving targets, multiple firing and aiming techniques.
Learn how to optimally exploit various combat conditions and use the environment as a weapon against your enemy.
Discover the best way to conduct recon in order to secure the success of your missions and attacks.